The Trendrating Edge

Profit from the performance dispersion across stocks.

Trendrating’s methodology is designed to identify price trends with a time horizon of 6-to-18 months.

Our trend discovery model issues four grade ratings to assess the actual direction and quality of trends. A and B ratings confirm a bull trend and C and D ratings signal a bear trend. Here we document the efficacy of Trendrating’s analytics to capture those trends that can make a difference in terms of performance for active portfolio managers and advisors.

The Trendrating model exploits the performance dispersion across stocks with the goal of spotting bull trends early and to profit from them as long as they last. On the other hand, the model is built to alert about bear trends quickly to avoid a large part of the potential damage.

We offer an edge that can be defined as follows:

  1. A/B rated stocks tend to outperform C/D rated securities.
  2. The accuracy in identifying up and down trends and in capturing the greater part of the move is typically above 70% across all equities markets.
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