
For many years investors have been accustomed to a “Santa Rally” throughout a good proportion of December and a green start to the New Year.  2016 has been different.  Very different!!  Volatility was more prevalent in the last few months of 2015 and yet we saw markets trying to rally later in December, despite the US raising...
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Forecasting trends is impossible.  Identifying and following trends is possible and can be highly lucrative. Trend Following and Legacy Momentum Approaches are some ways in which trends can be identified. However, they are not without their pit-falls. Trend Following systems, while quick to identify trends, tend to be erratic & unreliable in volatile markets, result...
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2015 was an interesting year for stock investing. We started the year on an optimistic note with many markets boasting double-digit returns at the end of the first quarter. However, as year-end approached, the boom fizzled out and most markets ended the year flat to down. In this article by Matt Egan published in CNN Money, we...
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Barron’s recently released their 10 Favorite Stocks for 2016 but before looking ahead they had to lick their wounds a bit from their picks in 2015 when they admittedly “passed up momentum stocks in favor of humbly priced ones.” Their 2015 picks were down on average 7% for the year vs. the S&P 500 which closed down just...
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Including the Momentum Factor as part of a “smart beta” strategy is proven over time to boost risk-adjusted returns. Smart beta ETFs seek to combine the best of active and passive investing by outperforming the market while keeping costs low. By adhering to rules-based methodologies, these ETFs remain transparent and easy to understand. Different risk...
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More portfolio managers are realizing that combining an existing value strategy with the momentum factor does indeed improve risk-adjusted returns over the years. Trendrating’s unique long-term Momentum Model and Analytics Platform can quickly and easily overlay systematic and objective momentum ratings on top of any value strategy to smooth out returns across different market cycles.
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Skeptics of Momentum investing have cited these myths, which many years of research and practical implementation have debunked.
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What Are the Attributes of a Robust Momentum Model? While smart beta strategies aim for market beating performance, it doesn’t always work out that way. A strategy is only as good as the expertise of the team constructing the model as well as how rigorously it was tested against actual market conditions. Momentum Factor Models are not all created...
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Read the article by Trendrating CEO, Rocco Pellegrinelli on Seeking Alpha.
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